Jungmok Seo Invited Speaker at Yonsei Health System-University of Engineering Convergence Research Workshop

스크린샷 2024 06 20 오후 5.01.37 2

A workshop was held for 2 days from June 20 to revitalize convergence research between Yonsei Health System and Yonsei University of Engineering and to develop researchers’ technological commercialization capabilities.

The workshop was attended by 35 professors from Yonsei Health System and Yonsei University of Engineering and was organized to share cases linking research results to commercialization and discuss cooperation.

Jungmok Seo, CEO of Lynk Solutec (Professor of the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering at Yonsei University), introduced medical device coating technology under the theme of “Innovative Medical Devices Through Prevention of Bio-adhesion.”

Lynk Coating, developed by CEO Seo, is a patented coating technology that prevents the attachment of bio-materials such as blood, mucus, and bacteria. Unlike the existing technology, it can be applied to various materials such as glass, polymer, and plastic, and can be coated stably in complex structures, drawing attention from industry and academia.

Based on this coating technology, Lynk Solutec has released a disposable cap C.E.V. (Clear Endo Vision) to help secure vision during endoscopic surgery and is developing ureter stents that prevent crust formation and non-absorbable sutures designated as rare medical devices.